Fort Saskatchewan High School utilizes our Elk Island Public School Division's procedures to ensure the safety and security of all it's students and staff.
Please click on the following link for a brief Parent/Student guide to those procedures:
Fort Saskatchewan High School utilizes our Elk Island Public School Division's procedures to ensure the safety and security of all it's students and staff.
Please click on the following link for a brief Parent/Student guide to those procedures:
At Fort High, we are an "Allergy Aware" school, which means that we work
to have effective practices in our school to reduce risks for students with
allergies. Management of students with allergies is primarily the
responsibility of the parents of the allergic children, but Fort High chooses to
share in that responsibility. Although we cannot guarantee an allergen-free
environment, we will take reasonable steps to ensure a safe environment for
those with life-threatening allergies.
In our school this year there are students with severe allergies to a variety
of foods, some of which include: peanuts, nuts, shellfish, fish and milk
products. Ingestion of even tiny amounts of these items could be serious
and life threatening. We can all play a role in preventing such a dangerous
and frightening situation. Students with allergies and their parents will take
initial responsibility to avoid exposure to allergens. Vigorous hand washing
with soap and water after eating or contacting food is a measure which all of
us can take. This is the simplest and most effective method to protect
people with allergies. Any volunteers working within our school will need to
be aware of this precaution as well.
While there are many foods which can cause allergies, peanuts and nuts are
a common and potent cause of food allergies. Labeling regarding
peanuts/nuts is generally very clear. However, as the students with
allergies learn to protect themselves and as we play a role in being "allergy
aware", please:
- Try to check the list of ingredients on items you send to school.
- As much as possible, avoid sending products containing peanuts/nuts to
- Teach your children to understand this very serious situation and
encourage them to support their peers.
We recognize that this request may be frustrating for you when packing
school lunches and snacks. We are grateful for any effort made to protect
all of our students.
Find out what's happening at school and what's being served in the cafeteria.
Use PowerSchool to view classes, marks, and fees. Usernames/passwords can be obtained from the office or library.
Please report your child's absence by calling (780)998-3751 or click here to send an email.
Find out more about our Fort Saskatchewan High School Education Plan.
Learn more about how we assess and report student achievement.