
SCIENCE 10 (5 credits)
Recommended: 65% in Science 9

Science 10 is an integrated academic course that helps students learn and apply fundamental concepts and skills in biology, chemistry, and physics. The focus of the course is to provide students with an understanding of the scientific principles behind the natural events they experience and the technologies they use in their everyday lives. The course will be activity-based to allow students to develop attitudes, skills and knowledge that will permit them to evaluate scientific information and make decisions that will affect their lives. The four major themes studied are: energy from the sun; matter and energy in living systems; matter and energy in chemical change; and, energy and change.

SCIENCE 14 (5 credits)
Recommended: 50%+ in Science 9
Science 14 is a general Science course which attempts to illustrate science-technology-society connections in these core topics: body systems, household science, environment, technology and nutrition.

SCIENCE 10-4 (5 credits)

Prerequisite requirement: Referral from Counsellor

See write up under “Knowledge and Employability” section.

SCIENCE 20 (5 credits)
Recommended: 60% in Science 10

Prerequisite: 50% in Science 10
This is a continuation of the general science program but is less rigorous than the specialized sciences.  Topics covered are: geology, Earth changes, glaciation, the theory of evolution, ecology, the chemistry of solutions, organic chemistry, the physics of motion (forces), orbital motion and momentum.

SCIENCE 24 (5 credits)
Recommended: 50% in Science 14
Students study the role of science in society and its relationship with technology. The four units used to acquire these skills are: applications of matter and chemical change, understanding common energy conversion systems, disease defense and human health and motion, and change and transportation safety. Completion of this stream will qualify the student for their science credits for their Alberta High School Diploma.

SCIENCE 20-4 (5 credits)
Prerequisite requirement: Referral from Counsellor

See write up under “Knowledge and Employability” section.

SCIENCE 30 (5 credits)
Recommended: 60% in Science 20

Prerequisite: 50% in Science 20, or Biology 20, or Chemistry 20, or Physics 20.
Science 30 continues to provide the student with a broad-based science background, but not with the depth and rigor of the specialized sciences.  The major areas of study are:

  • Biology, including human circulatory system, nervous systems and human genetics.
  • Chemistry, including acids, bases, organic chemistry and the environment.
  • Physics, including fields, electric current, electromagnetic radiation and astronomy.
  • Global Trends, including renewable and non- renewable resources and sustainable development

Students must write an Alberta Education Diploma Examination.

BIOLOGY 20 (5 credits)
Recommended: 60% in Biology Unit of Science 10; 60% overall in Science 10

Prerequisite: 50% in Science 10
Biology 20 focuses on ecology, evolution, cellular energetics (cell respiration and photosynthesis) and introduces human biology.  The latter will include a rigorous study of human digestion, circulation, breathing and excretion.  There is a mandatory field study for the ecology unit.

BIOLOGY 30 (5 credits)
Recommended: 60% in Biology 20

Prerequisite: 50% in Biology 20
Biology 30 completes previous studies in human anatomy and physiology with an examination of the nervous system, senses, hormonal control and reproduction. An in-depth study of reproductive technologies is included. Genetics forms the second part of the course and includes the topics of cell division, Mendelion genetics, molecular genetics, and population genetics.  Students must write an Alberta Education Diploma Examination.

CHEMISTRY 20 (5 credits)

Recommended: 60% in Chemistry Unit of Science 10; 60% overall in Science 10; 60% in Math 10C.

Prerequisite: 50% in Science 10

This course begins with a review of the prerequisite material included in the Science 10 course. The major topics introduced in this course are: a theoretical unit on chemical bonding, the chemistry of gases, an in-depth study of solution chemistry and reaction stoichiometry.  Students must have good abilities in mathematics and should not register in Chemistry 20 until Math 10C has been completed.

CHEMISTRY 30 (5 credits)
Recommended: 60% in Chemistry 20

Prerequisite: 50% in Chemistry 20
The knowledge and skills developed in Chemistry 20 are reviewed and continued in this course. Topics in Chemistry 30 include comprehensive studies of energy, an introduction to organic chemistry, electrochemistry and equilibrium, as well as acids and bases.  Mathematical analysis and laboratory work constitute a significant part of the course. Students must write an Alberta Education Diploma Examination.

PHYSICS 20 (5 credits)
Recommended: 60% in Physics Unit of Science 10; 60% overall in Science 10; 70% in Math 10C

Prerequisite: 50% in Science 10

This course begins with a review of the prerequisite material included in the Science 10 course.  Linear motion, circular motion, gravitation, energy conservation, and periodic motion and wave behaviour are the main topics of Physics 20.  Connections between physical science, technology and society are also studied. Laboratory work forms a major part of the course.

PHYSICS 30 (5 credits)
Recommended: 60% in Physics 20

Prerequisite: 50% in Physics 20
Topics studied in Physics 30 include: the conservation of linear and two-dimensional momentum in physical systems; electricity and magnetism, including the actions of forces and fields; electromagnetic radiation; and atomic physics, including the wave-particle duality of matter and energy and an introduction to the Standard Model. This course continues the Physics 20 emphasis on science-technology-society connections as well as on appropriate laboratory work.  Students must write an Alberta Education Diploma Examination.