Physical Education

PHYSICAL EDUCATION 10 – (PE10) (5 credits)
Prerequisite: none

This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to participate in a wide variety of traditional and non-traditional sports while increasing their knowledge of basic fitness concepts. There is an emphasis placed on daily participation and cooperation with peers. This course has been developed to increase student agilities, physical strength, mental strength and overall ability. Students who enjoy working in groups or participating in teams will develop increased leadership skills through the development of the course.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION 20 – (PE20) (5 credits) ($55.00 fee)
Prerequisite:  50% in Physical Education 10

Physical Education 20 is designed to provide advanced knowledge in sports skills, strategies and tactics and fitness concepts, while promoting an interest in lifetime activities.  Students develop leadership skills in the areas of sports organization and sports officiating.  There is an emphasis on participation, sportsmanship and developing social skills. Highlights of the course may include golf, curling, 10-pin bowling, non-traditional games, weight training, and pool and ice activities, as well as the traditional games of physical education.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION 30 – (PE30) (5 credits) ($55.00 fee)
Prerequisite:  50% in Physical Education 20
Physical Education 30 is designed to place an emphasis on leadership skills as students organize school intramurals and design non-traditional games which they then present to their peers.  There is continued emphasis on the development of a high level of knowledge in the area of sports skills, strategies and tactics and fitness concepts, while promoting an interest in lifetime activities.  Physical Education 30 stresses the importance of developing sportsmanship and social skills through participation in a wide variety of game activities. Highlights of the course may include golf, curling, 10-pin bowling, non-traditional games, weight training, pool and ice activities, as well as the traditional games of physical education.