Fine Arts

The Fine Arts Department consists of three areas: musical arts (Band), performing arts (Drama and Musical Theatre), and visual arts (Art.) We aim to allow students to develop personally and creatively. Fort High feels it is vital for a holistic education that the creative side of each student be developed.


ART 10 (5 credits) ($63.50 fee)
Prerequisite: none
Art 10 is open to all students regardless of previous art experience.  This course uses a “hands-on studio” approach to working with a variety of artist-quality materials.  Basic elements and principles of design, art criticism techniques, studies of periods of art and art vocabulary will all be considered in conjunction with creating a variety of drawings, paintings and sculptures. Studio time will be 95% of the class time.

ART 20 (5 credits) ($63.50 fee)
Prerequisite:  50% in Art 10
This course will also be developed through a “hands-on studio” approach to working with mediums. Art 10 concepts will be reinforced. A further study of non-traditional approaches to art, advanced concepts in composition, and technology and art will also be covered. Studio time will be 95% of class time.

ART 30/31 (5 credits each) ($63.50 fee per course)
Prerequisite:  50% in Art 20
Using a “hands-on studio” approach, this course will reinforce the concepts developed in Art 10 and 20. Understandings of various artists and art movements will be developed. Students will be encouraged to develop their own personal style. Art/Computer programs will be available for independent study. Studio time will be 95% of class time.


All music and band programs incur a $25 material fee and a $75 instrument rental fee (as required.)

INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC 10/20/30 (5 credits each) ($30 fee per course)
Prerequisite: For Instrumental Music 10 - music at junior high level or equivalent experience
The emphasis for this course is on the development of technique and ensemble playing. Public performances include Fine Arts Night, as well as local and provincial performances. Performance and preparation will account for 85% of class time.

INSTRUMENTAL JAZZ 10/20/30 (5 credits each) ($30 fee per course)
Prerequisite: For Jazz Band 10 - music at junior high level or equivalent experience
Instrumental Jazz gives students an opportunity to explore the styles of big band swing, rock and Latin music.  Emphasis is on performing written charts, with an introduction to improvisation. Public performances include numerous school and community performances.

MUSICAL THEATRE 15/ ADVANCED ACTING 15 (10 credits each - full-year prog.) ($30 fee per course)  

Prerequisite: No prerequisite needed for 10 level course. Students with interests in vocal performances are encouraged to enrol.

Musical Theatre/Advanced Acting builds strengths in music, drama and dance. Various dramatic and dance styles will be explored through two major productions. Students will also be introduced to classical and technical vocal training. Students will be required to perform pieces in harmony and unison as well as develop a basic theoretical knowledge of western music notations. Past shows include: Phantom of the Opera, Grease, Alice in Wonderland, Footloose, Spam-a-lot and Dracula.

MUSICAL THEATRE 25/ADVANCED ACTING 25 (10 credits each - full-year prog.) ($30 fee per course)

Prerequisite: Musical Theatre 15 and Advanced Acting 15

Students will build further upon previous skills developed in Musical Theatre 15 and Advanced Acting 15. These opportunities will be presented through more student involvement and character development, dramatic choices and performance opportunities. Students will harmonize in three to four part harmonies and develop aural techniques to further their work in western music theory. Students will be guided in selecting appropriate song pieces, performances and begin to create personalized dramatic process. Students will also be encouraged to take on the role of peer coaching through the production of major musicals and one-acts.

MUSICAL THEATRE 35/ADVANCED ACTING 35 (10 credits each - full-year prog.) ($30  fee per course)

Prerequisite: Musical Theatre 25 and Advanced Acting 25

Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of previous skills presented in past courses and performances. Students are expected to develop leadership skills within the ensemble through collective creation of rehearsals and performances. Solo and ensemble work is expected and choir composition is optional. Students will demonstrate proficiency in western music nation which will lend to the audition process for post-secondary.