English Language Arts

ENGLISH 10-1 (5 credits)
Recommended: 65% in Language Arts 9

In the English 10-1 program, a student relates literary experience to personal experience; develops competence in presenting ideas in written and oral form; understands and identifies themes; recognizes stylistic devices; and learns to identify errors in grammar, usage, punctuation and spelling.

ENGLISH 10-2 / Reading 15 (10 credits)
Recommended: under 65% in Language Arts 9
In this full year literacy course, students will receive 10 credits in completing English 10-2 and Reading 15.

This course has, at its heart, the belief that students who require extra support to develop strong literacy skills require daily, deliberately taught, purposefully selected and self-regulated strategies upon which to draw. Students will build a strong foundation for successfully tackling the rigour of the senior high school curriculum across all subject areas and develop an increased interest in reading.  Students will experiment with and learn to employ strategies that contribute to improving their understanding and interpretation of many different literary forms, including novels, films, plays, poetry, short stories, and nonfiction. By the end of the year, they can select strategies to increase their strengths and address their weaknesses as literacy learners. The most effective way of learning about reading and writing is by doing. They will learn to explore their thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences with multiple forms of text creation. Students will produce personal and exploratory writing, proofread for errors, read literature to expand experience, distinguish between fact and opinion, observe courtesies of group discussion, and respond with increasing sensitivity to material they read, listen to and view. In addition, students will spend increased time learning strategies to support reading comprehension and responding to literature.

ENGLISH 20-1 (5 credits)
Recommended: 60% in English 10-1

Prerequisite: 50% in English 10-1
In English 20-1 a student builds and expands upon those skills and concepts developed in English 10-1. The student learns to write a convincing argument in support of a clearly defined thesis; relates literary concepts such as theme, point of view and tone to the overall effect of a piece of literature; and becomes acquainted with the work of major Canadian authors.

ENGLISH 20-2 (5 credits)
Prerequisite: 50% in English 10-2

Building upon skills developed in English 10-2, the 20-2 student learns to write for different audiences and purposes; to plan compositions before writing; to examine values and ideas expressed through literature; to correct errors in their writing; to discuss purpose and effect of print and image; and to express thoughts clearly and with confidence.

ENGLISH 30-1 (5 credits)
Recommended: 60% in English 20-1

Prerequisite: 50% in English 20-1
In addition to building upon and enriching those skills and concepts developed in English 10-1 and 20-1, an English 30-1 student learns to clearly present their point of view in a literary essay; to understand and evaluate literary techniques; to distinguish life from literature; and to develop mature interpretive skills.  English 30-1 requires the completion of the provincial diploma examination.

ENGLISH 30-2 (5 credits)
Prerequisite: 50% in English 20-2
As well as improving upon skills and concepts developed in English 10-2 and 20-2, an English 30-2 student learns to write clear functional prose; to appraise values and ideas in literary selections; to distinguish between emotional appeal and reasoned argument; to respond clearly to visual communication and to increase facility in discussion.  English 30-2 requires the completion of the provincial diploma examination.