Modern Languages

Fort Saskatchewan High School offers two complete modern language programs – German and French. Discussions, dialogues, composition and presentation of skits, music, games and projects are key components of the programs.

Students should note that French 30 and/or German 30 are accepted courses for entrance into many university disciplines. For example, at the University of Alberta they qualify as Group A electives and may be used in addition to required courses for admission into most Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Science programs. Students should check the University of Alberta web site ( for specific requirements.

There are two streams available for students who wish to study French in high school. The 3Y (or three-year) stream is designed for students who have not yet studied French, or who have a very limited amount of formal study. The 9Y (or nine-year) stream is designed for students who have already studied French; the prerequisite to enter the 9Y stream is a 50% mark in French 9.

FRENCH 10-3Y (5 credits)

Prerequisite: none (This course is for students who have not taken French 9)

Students will understand and express in French, orally or in written form, a variety of messages related to identifying and describing themselves, their family members and friends, identifying and describing their regular, daily or weekly routines, and have the ability to communicate their needs in a variety of situations. At this level, the majority of communication skills will be learned through modelling. The language skills learned in this course transfer to other subject areas.

FRENCH 20-3Y (5 credits)

Prerequisite: 50% in French 10-3Y

Students will understand and express in French, orally or in written form, a variety of messages related to identifying and describing their hobbies or interests, describing personal friendships, interacting with others at social outings, and describing clothing style preferences.  At this level, students will feel more comfortable taking risks at communicating in French.

FRENCH 30-3Y (5 credits)

Prerequisite: 50% in French 20-3Y

By the end of French 30-3Y, students will be able to understand and express themselves in basic situations, use the knowledge they have gained to sustain communications in French. 

FRENCH 10-9Y (5 credits)

Prerequisite: 50% in French 9

Students will engage in various language activities and will be encouraged to take risks at communicating in French. Students will understand and express in French, orally or in written form, a variety of messages related to identifying and describing themselves, their family members and friends, identifying and describing their regular daily or weekly routines, and have the ability to communicate their needs in a variety of situations.  This program allows students to gain a deeper insight into other languages and cultures.

FRENCH 20-9Y (5 credits)

Prerequisite: 50% in French 10-9Y

Students will further develop the skills they learned in French 10-9y.  Some of the topics covered will include describing their own and others personality, sports and leisure activities, and fashion.  Students will communicate their preferences in a variety of situations and continue to learn about French culture around the world.

FRENCH 30-9Y (5 credits)

Prerequisite: 50% in French 20-9Y

By the end of French 30-9Y, students will have an awareness of world Francophone cultures. They will possess sufficient skills to use French spontaneously in the classroom through group discussions, impromptu and prepared skits, readings and other activities.

GERMAN 10-3Y (5 credits)
Prerequisite: none
This is a course for beginning German students, designed for English speakers learning German as a second language. The four language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing, are developed. Students are introduced to German culture (i.e. foods, music, special holidays, etc).

GERMAN 20-3Y (5 credits)
Prerequisite:  50% in German 10-3Y
This course further develops skills practiced in German 10-3Y. Students should start to feel comfortable in expressing themselves in most common situations, both in oral and written form.

GERMAN 30-3Y (5 credits)
Prerequisite:  50% in German 20-3Y

The objective of German 30 is to gain proficiency in communication in both oral and written form. Classes are conducted mostly in German. German Language & Culture 30-3Y is accepted as a second language for faculties at universities with this requirement.

GERMAN 20-6Y (5 credits)                                                               

This course provides enrichment to students who have completed German 30-3Y. Students will further advance the skills they have acquired and will also learn more about German culture and history.

In addition, we have partnered with a school in Germany, and students taking German at Fort High may have the opportunity to participate in a one-week exchange.