Knowledge & Employability (K&E)

ENGLISH 10-4 (5 credits)

Prerequisite: Referral from Counsellor

Students will foster and strengthen the development of language competencies to increase proficiency in reading comprehension, communication and other occupational skills.

ENGLISH 20-4 (5 credits)

Prerequisite: 50% in English 10-4
Students continue to develop their language competencies and explore language to become successful communicators. Emphasis is placed on the development and application of reading and writing skills.

ENGLISH 30-4 (5 credits)

Prerequisite: 50% in English 20-4
Students will continue to build on the foundational communication skills to become successful communicators at home, at school, at work, and in the community. This enables students to experience personal satisfaction and become responsible, contributing citizens and lifelong learners.

SOCIAL 10-4 (5 credits)

Prerequisite requirement: Referral from Counsellor

Students will examine globalization, the process by which the world is becoming increasingly connected and interdependent. They will explore historical aspects of globalization, as well as the effects of globalization on lands, cultures, human rights and quality of life.  They will also examine the effects of globalization on peoples in Canada and other locations, including the impact on Aboriginal and Francophone communities.

SOCIAL 20-4 (5 credits)

Prerequisite: 50% in Social 10-4
Students examine various forms of nationalism and apply their perceptions to their own identity and sense of citizenship. They will investigate the influence of nationalism on historical and contemporary events. Students will explore the impacts of nationalism and internationalism. They develop understandings of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit and Francophone perspectives on nationalism.

MATHEMATICS 10-4 (5 credits)

Prerequisite requirement: Referral from Counsellor

Students in Math 10-4 will develop mathematic skills to solve everyday problems, interpret information and create new knowledge. Topics include fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, exponents, linear measurement, and graphs to solve problems at home, in the community and in the workplace.

MATHEMATICS 20-4 (5 credits)

Recommended: 50% in Mathematics 10-4
Students in Math 20-4 review basic mathematic skills and daily financial math. Topics covered include decimals, fractions, measurements (both Imperial and Metric), and Consumer math. Consumer math focuses on income, consumer credit and independent living.

SCIENCE 10-4 (5 credits)

Prerequisite requirement: Referral from Counsellor

This course is focused on developing and applying essential science skills, knowledge and attitudes needed for everyday living at home, in the workplace and in the community.  It covers the same basic units as Science 14: Investigating Properties of Matter, Understanding Energy Transfer Technologies, Investigating Matter & Energy in Living Systems, and Investigating Matter & Energy in Environmental Systems.

SCIENCE 20-4 (5 credits)

Recommended: 50% in Science 10-4
This course is project based and emphasizes practical work. It covers the same basic units as Science 24, including Application of Matter and Chemical Change, Understanding Common Energy Conversion Systems, Disease Defence and Human Health, and Motion, Change and Transportation Safety.

Note:  K&E students can change academic streams with teacher recommendations and a consultation with the administration or Counsellor.