
MATHEMATICS 10C (5 credits)
Recommended: 65%+ in Grade 9 Math

This is the starting point for both -1 and -2 course sequences and will prepare students to enter post-secondary programs that may require math. Each topic area requires that the students develop a conceptual knowledge base and skill set that will be useful in both subsequent course sequences. Specific study topics include relations and functions, exponents, surface area and volume, factoring of polynomials, and trigonometry.

MATHEMATICS 10-3 (5 credits)
Recommended: 35%+ in Grade 9 Math

This will help prepare students for entry into most trades and for direct entry into the workforce. Topics include algebra, geometry, measurement, number and logic, statistics, and probability.


Recommended: < 34% in Math 9
This course will enhance numeracy skills in students, develop their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, and set them up for success in future courses in mathematics.

MATHEMATICS 20-1 (5 credits)
Recommended: 60%+ in Grade 10C Math

This course sequence is designed to provide students with the mathematical understanding and critical thinking skills identified for entry into post-secondary programs that require the study of calculus. Topics in this sequence include sequences and series, trigonometry, quadratics, absolute values, radicals, inequalities, and system of equations.

MATHEMATICS 20-2 (5 credits)
Recommended: 50%+ in Grade 10C Math

This course is intended for students who plan on entering a post-secondary field that does not require calculus. Specific study topics include reasoning, trigonometry, statistical reasoning, radicals, quadratic functions, and equations.

MATHEMATICS 20-3 (5 credits)
Recommended: 50%+ in Math 10-3

This course is intended for students who intend to enter an apprenticeship or trade program or who plan on entering the workforce after graduation. Students in Mathematics 20-3 study measurement involving triangles, 2D and 3D objects, scale diagrams, analyzing and interpreting graphs, personal finance mathematics, surface area, and volume.

MATHEMATICS 20-4 (K&E) (5 credits)
Recommended: 50%+ in Math 10-4  (See write-up under “Knowledge and Employability” section.)

MATHEMATICS 30-1 (5 credits)
Recommended: 65%+ in Math 20-1

This course is intended for students who intend to take calculus in Grade 12 or enter a post-secondary program requiring calculus. It covers concepts in transformations, logarithms, trigonometry, polynomial functions, permutations and combinations, the fundamental counting principle, and the binomial theorem.

MATHEMATICS 30-2 (5 credits)
Recommended: 50%+ in Math 20-2 or 40%+ in Math 20-1

This course is designed for students planning to attend university but not necessarily in a math-related field. It covers concepts in set theory, logic puzzles, probability, permutations, combinations, the fundamental counting principle, rational expressions, logarithms, polynomials, and sinusoidal data.

Note: Students must realize that this course has rigour and is valued by universities.

MATHEMATICS 30-3 (5 credits)
Recommended: 50%+ in Math 20-3

This course is designed for students who intend to enter an apprenticeship or trades program or who plan to enter the workforce after graduation. It covers mathematical concepts such as measurement, trigonometry transformations of shapes, logic problems and puzzles, personal finance, linear relations, statistics, and probability. This 30-level course has no diploma examination.

MATHEMATICS 31 (5 credits)
Math 30-1 is a pre-requisite or co-requisite of Math 31

Mathematics 31 is designed to introduce students to the mathematical methods of calculus. The course builds on students’ existing knowledge from the Mathematics 10C, 20-1, and 30-1 curriculum and expands this knowledge into the understanding of limits, derivatives, and integral calculus. Emphasis in this course will be placed on preparation for studying further calculus courses in university or technical schools.


Texas Instruments:  TI-83 Plus
TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Silver or TI-84 Plus CE
For complete calculator-related information, please refer to the Alberta Education website.